Sunday, March 13, 2011

Growing Tomatillos and Soy Beans (Edamame)

Well, it is incredibly late in the season for tomatillos and soy beans, but my plants have started to produce some fruit / pods.

The tomatillos are finally setting fruit and I was getting a bit concerned that I put them in too late. Lets hope we get some warm March weather to help them along, but I am optimistic I will get a small harvest!

The soy plants, to my surprise, have also started to produce pods as I had overcrowded them with my tomatoes. Although only 3 plants survived from the original 5 or 6,  they have produced a few pods which seem to grow by the day. Lets hope they reach maturity. I am excited about next year's crop as I will definitely be ready for an awesome crop!

So what do you think? I'd love to hear from those of you that have your own patch as I'm looking for as many tips as I can get!

My backyard


Jen said...

Hi Dave, How did your Tomatillo and Edamame crop turn out? I live in the Yarra Valley and have put Tomatillo's in the ground and am about to plant the Poblano chile seedling I started but have been worried that I am too late so may put them in pots to bring them into my conservatory if they don't ripen before it gets too cold. Have you put in a 2012 crop?

Dave said...

Hi Jen,

I managed to get a very small harvest of edamame last year.

This year I also put in tomatillos and they've started to set fruit and I put in a lot more soy beans. They seem to do ok in clay-based soils - so that's good.

I put in padron peppers around mid jan last year and it was a bit late as by the time they flowered and set fruit it was started to get cold - as where I live (and probably where you live too), the cold seems to come a lot earlier!

Good luck and let me know how your tomatillos turn out!
